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SanteFe Custom Pergola
SanteFe Custom Pergola multi-layered roof top
SanteFe Custom
with Picket Base
and Classic Picket Topper
Contact BrattleWorks
with your requirements.
Santa Fe Custom Pergola  
with a multi-layered roof. 4x4
bottom layer, 2x3 middle layer
and a 2x2 top layer.Pictured with
Trellis and Classic Picket fence.
 ContactBrattleWorks with your
SanteFe Custom Pergolas
Pergolas can be simple or elaborate Garden Structures for growing plant material, or creating shade and a sense of intimacy over a patio and
deck, or to enhance a walkway garden entrance. BrattleWorksPergolas are constructed  of clear kiln dried western red cedar, stainless steel
fasteners and are available natural or with 100% acrylic white, green or any custom color
Need project or ordering HELP? Call (978) 410-5078
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